Epic Messes and Awesome Memories
Rockhaven UnCamp is an innovative summer camp program where nature-based free play is front and center. We create a safe environment where creativity, curiosity, and imagination can flourish, where kids can be kids, get a little (or a lot) dirty, connect with nature, and fellowship together. UnCamp at Rockhaven takes the expectations and strict schedules out of camp and puts back in genuine play, natural curiosity, and epic messes. Expect your camper to come home with muddy faces, sticky fingers and awesome memories that will last a lifetime!
With UnCamp, great care and thought is given to equipping our staff and campers with the tools and resources they need to discover or invent activities, explore safely, create broadly, and listen to the world. Our commitment to small camp sizes and camper-led experiences allows campers the freedom to breathe, disconnect and settle into a community rhythm and flow. Rockhaven programming is ever changing and fresh, constantly recreated based on the creativity and spirit of the campers involved.
UnCamp is driven by the mission of First Presbyterian Church to create an outdoor space for our community to build relationships and connect with nature to spark encounters with God. The Rockhaven Staff and Board work hard to make summer camp simple again and always strive to let kids be kids.

Camp Fees
We work hard to keep camp fee costs low and increases to a minimum. We recognize that summer camp is expensive, and families have varying abilities to pay for camp. To help ease the burden, Rockhaven offers a voluntary three-tier payment option. Upon registering you may choose the tier that is most suitable for your family. This is a “free-will” system, we strongly encourage you to pick the level that is comfortable and affordable for your family. All campers receive the same experience no matter what they pay.
When you pay the tier 3 rate, you take an active role in supporting the true cost of your child’s camp experience, which enables us to direct the contributions from our donors to support other areas of need in the camping ministry, including program, staffing, and facility upgrades.
Tier 1
Historically subsidized rate. Does not reflect the full cost of operating a summer camp program. This is the rate we are able to offer thanks to contributions from our community.
Tier 2
This is our partially subsidized rate. Closer to covering the cost of one week of camp for one camper.
Tier 3
More closely reflects the true cost of camp to fully cover Rockhaven programming and operational needs. Operational costs include insurance, curriculum, administrative needs, software, salaries, grounds maintenance, etc.
Pay it Forward
The "Pay it Forward" option supports the cost of another camper attending Rockhaven at the Tier 1 rate. Summer camp is a magical experience that historically has not been accessible to everyone. At Rockhaven, we prioritize inclusivity by offering no-questions-asked scholarships to interested families, made possible through the generosity of donors like you. Opting to "Pay it Forward" not only enables another individual to experience the transformative power of camp, but also contributes to fostering brighter, more inclusive summers for all.
We believe that every child should have the opportunity to attend summer camp. Rockhaven and First Presbyterian Church have established a Camper Scholarship Fund (Campership) for the purpose of providing assistance to those who would not otherwise be able to attend Rockhaven’s summer camp program. Gifts towards the Campership Fund come from members of First Presbyterian Church and other thoughtful individuals who recognize the valuable impact of Rockhaven on campers. If you need financial assistance in order to send a family member to summer camp, please click the button below to submit a Campership form. Upon submission, the Rockhaven Camp Director will contact you to complete the process. Please email Camp Director, Chandler Joiner, at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
Discovery Day Camp
Ages 7 - 12
Monday, June 30 – Wednesday, July 2
Mini Week (price change reflected in reg.)
Monday, July 14 – Friday, July 18
Monday, July 28 – Friday, August 1
Discovery Day Camps are a fun, safe, and welcoming environment where campers ages 7 – 12 can explore, play, create, and develop their sense of curiosity. Day camp sessions run Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm with transportation provided to Rockhaven from First Presbyterian Church. Check in at First Presbyterian Church begins at 8:30 am. Your camper is welcome to attend one or all of our day camp programs! Discovery day camp is filled with arts and crafts, hiking, group games, rock climbing, music making, devotion, community fellowship, and plenty of our signature nature-play time. All day campers are provided with two snacks and a hearty lunch prepared each day by our camp cook.
Little Wild Ones Camp
Ages 5 - 6
Monday, June 30 – Wednesday, July 2
Mini Week
This is an opportunity for young campers to get a taste of camp without having to be gone for a whole week. Shorter week, smaller groups, slower pace, and a whole lot of messy UnCamp fun! Our days will be spent playing games, taking nature walks, making crafts, singing songs, playing in the mud kitchen, creek walking, and exploring God’s creation.
Campers must be completely independent in their toileting skills. Toileting independence means: able to use the toilet and clean up after themselves without assistance from an adult. Each day campers will meet at First Presbyterian Church between 8:30 and 9:00 am. The bus will travel to Rockhaven at 9:00 am and return at 5:00 pm for pick up. There is a 30 minute flat on back (F.O.B.) time for Little Wild Ones.
Discovery Day Camp PLUS
Ages 8 - 11
Monday, June 16 – Friday, June 20
With Discovery Day Camp PLUS, get a taste of overnight camp without the commitment of a whole week away from home! Campers will spend Monday – Wednesday as a traditional day camper exploring Rockhaven. Their days will be filled with arts and crafts, group games, rock climbing, devotion, music, and plenty of our signature nature-play time.
However, on Thursday, campers will spend the night in the Rockhaven bunkhouse! Campers will get to enjoy an abbreviated overnight camp with activities ranging from nocturnal nature walks and night games to star gazing and campfire s’mores. At drop off on Thursday morning, campers will need to be prepared with everything on the overnight pack list. Day Camp PLUS provides a great bridge between day camp and overnight camp.
Mon – Thurs drop off will be at First Presbyterian Church of Bozeman (FPC) between 8:30 – 9:00 am. Campers will return via bus to FPC Bozeman at 5:00 pm on Mon, Tues, and Wed. Campers will stay overnight on Thursday and will picked up on Friday at FPC at 5:00 pm.
Trailblazers Overnight
Ages 9 - 12
Sunday, June 22 – Friday, June 27
Campers will build memories that will last a lifetime as they experience summer camp to its fullest capacity! This upper elementary/lower middle school overnight camp is designed for campers interested in outdoor exploration, hiking, group games, silly crafts, creative team building, and more. Trailblazers will be focused on exploring and learning to care for God’s creation through traditional camp activities. Campers will also get to experience the high ropes course, campfire meals, and outdoor community fellowship.
Trailblazers camp runs from 3:00 pm Sunday to 12:00 pm Friday with check in and pick up at Rockhaven Camp and Retreat Center. We are excited to add a new “Family and Friend Lunch” to pick up on Friday. Families are invited to join us at camp for lunch at 12:00pm. This will be an opportunity for your camper to show you what they did throughout the week and for families to be present for our end of camp celebration. Camp lunch is provided for everyone!
Seekers Overnight
Ages 8 - 11
Sunday, August 3 – Friday, August 8
This resident overnight camp is an opportunity for elementary age students to enjoy a traditional overnight summer camp experience! Campers will partake in arts and crafts, group games, hiking, fellowship, rock climbing, campfire songs, star gazing, night games, and much much more. This is an opportunity to let kids experience the cherished moments of summer camp and nurture life-long memories and friendships.
Seekers camp runs from 3:00 pm Sunday to 12:00 pm Friday with check in and pick up at Rockhaven Camp and Retreat Center. We are excited to add a new “Family and Friend Lunch” to pick up on Friday. Families are invited to join us at camp for lunch at 12:00pm. This will be an opportunity for your camper to show you what they did throughout the week and for families to be present for our end of camp celebration. Camp lunch is provided for everyone.
Explorers Overnight
Ages 13 - 14
Sunday, July 6 – Friday, July 11
This week long resident camp is packed with fun, adventure, and all around craziness! If you have an adventurous spirit and love summer camp, this is for you! Not only will campers enjoy traditional Rockhaven fun, they will also participate in field trip adventures, such as rafting, swimming, hiking, and ziplining. Campers will connect through evening fellowship, night games, star gazing, s’mores, and more overnight camp experiences.
Explorers camp runs from 3:00 pm Sunday to 12:00 pm Friday with check in and pick up at Rockhaven Camp and Retreat Center. We are excited to add a new “Family and Friend Lunch” to pick up on Friday. Families are invited to join us at camp for lunch at 12:00 pm. This will be an opportunity for your camper to show you what they did throughout the week and for families to be present for our end of camp celebration. Camp lunch is provided for everyone.
Adventure Leadership Camp
Ages 15 - 16
Monday, July 21 – Friday, July 25
This brand-new week-long resident camp is tailored for high school students (ages 15 – 16) eager to embark on outdoor adventures and deepen their love of summer camp. Campers will reconnect with nature while rekindling the joy of childhood play! We will explore environmental topics, team building, Leave No Trace principles, game leadership, and spiritual growth. Adventure Leadership is a perfect fit for teens with an adventurous and creative spirit who love summer camp. Highlights include field trip adventures, such as rafting, swimming, hiking, and ziplining. Everyone, from veteran Rockhaven campers to first-time summer attendees, is welcome!
Scholarships are available. Adventure Leadership camp runs Monday to Friday, with bus pick-up at First Presbyterian Church at 9:00am on Monday morning and drop off at 5:00pm on Friday. This schedule offers campers a firsthand experience of the day camp bus routine from a leadership perspective. It also prepares them for the unique adventure of arriving solo for a week-long resident camp.
Interested participants in Adventure Leadership camp will also have the chance to return as Leaders-in-Training (LITs) the following summer and serve during two camp sessions.
ask us
WHat is your Cancellation Policy?
What Should I Pack?
When you register, a complete packing list for overnight camp will be sent in May. For day campers, please consider weather conditions when preparing to come to camp. We make some big messes at Rockhaven and don’t apologize for it… wearing clothes that can get muddy and wet is a great idea. Always bring a reusable water bottle! If your camper has sensitive skin, please pack their own sunscreen.
Can I send packages or letters to my camper?
We love receiving mail for campers! The best way to ensure your camper receives mail is to bring your package or letter with you during overnight camp drop-off. After dropping off your camper, simply place the package or letter in the labeled box at the front gate. Mail will be distributed to campers at breakfast on Wednesday morning.
I'm not presbyterian, can I attend camp at Rockhaven?
Of course! Campers come from many different faiths, including some who do not have a faith tradition. Rockhaven welcomes every camper. Depending on the week of camp, we either have a daily worship or devotion time where we discuss themes of love, grace, peace, and patience and hear a brief message. If you would like to speak with the Director to discuss these themes please call 406.451.7092.
Can you accommodate campers with special dietary needs?
One of the advantages of being a small camp is that we can usually accommodate most dietary restrictions, including allergies. Please be specific when completing the allergy and health forms at registration. If the restriction is more than our single camp cook can accommodate you are welcome to send your camper with special meals and snacks. Please reach out to the Rockhaven Director with any questions.
What is the camper to counselor ratio?
For overnight camp, a camper will be in a group of 5-7 campers to 1 counselor. Day camp groups are between 1:6 and 1:8 counselor to camper ratio. Family groups are created so two counselors rotate through various activities with campers throughout the day. Day camp maximum attendance is 40 campers and overnight camp maximum is 30 campers.
What training does the staff have?
All staff complete a week long staff training the week before camp. They learn Rockhaven operations, programming, child protection policies, and emergency protocols. All staff take a full First Aid, Child and Adult CPR certification course. In addition, all Rockhaven staff (excluding the camp cook) complete a comprehensive high ropes challenge course training specific to the Rockhaven course.
Where do overnight campers stay?
Overnight campers stay in our bunkhouse which consists of 6 rooms, each with bunk beds. Approximately 5-7 campers to 1 counselor sleep in these bunk rooms with a co-counselor/group in the adjoining room. Each bunkhouse room has electricity and heat. We have a detached washhouse for all shower and bathroom needs.