Adventure Happens Here
Rockhaven Adventure
Our adventure and experiential programs are designed to help individuals and groups test their abilities and choose risks appropriate to their own comfort levels. Challenge and adventure programming can open people up to new ways of thinking and provide powerful metaphors for processing one's own life and faith journey.

High Ropes
Our High Ropes Course involves a series of elements that challenge participants to climb to a height of 35 feet. While many elements will provide a challenge to the individual, there is still a valuable and significant group focus. This program features the "Leap of Faith", a hair raising jump from the top of the course!
Minimum group size of 12 participants with an ideal group being 15-25. Groups of up to 100 per day can be accomodated by dividing the group between the high ropes, low ropes and team building games thoughout the day.
Our 35 foot three sided climbing tower is a fun activity for all ages and can be used to teach many lifetime skills such as goal setting, perserverance, teamwork and encouraging others. Rock-climbing is a great activity for any age and available to our youngest guests.
Low Ropes
Our Low Ropes / Challenge / Teams Course program is active rather than passive. We emphasize hands-on conditions because people learn best by doing and then reflecting on their experience. We use problem solving games, initiatives, challenges, and a series of elements and activities that foster cooperation, trust, positive risk taking, leadership, active listening, problem solving, communication, trust, self confidence and a host of other objectives.
Team building games and low ropes activities are appropriate and available for all ages.
- Strengthen Relationships
- Build Community
- Create Trusting Bonds
- Teach encouragement
- Promote Personal Challenges
- Build intergenerational relationships
- Link Faith to New Adventures

"Tell me, and I will forget... Show me, and I may remember... Involve me, and I will understand.

Challenge By Choice
Challenge by Choice is a philosophy on how to encourage campers or participants to achieve their goals and provide them with a safe environment where they can go beyond their comfort level:
- It is not our place to push participants further than they are ready for or capable of.
- It’s greater however, to offer helpful advice and encouragement that the camper may need in order to step outside of their comfort zone.
- This philosophy also applies to how campers/participants treat each other.
- All partipant discuss and agree upon a “Full Value Contract” or Covenant during these programs.

Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success.
Henry Ford Tweet
Personalize your adventure...
No two groups are alike so contact us and learn how we can form our activities around your group and your specific needs. An event or retreat can be designed to facilitate the greatest amount of learning. Full and half day teambuilding experiences or combine our programs to customize your adventure.
Program Pricing:
High Ropes Course $35 per person / $400 Minimum
Low Ropes / Challenge Course $20 per person / $200 Minimum
Team Building Games and Challenges $20 per person / $300 Minimum
Combined High Ropes / Low Ropes $40 per person / $400 Minimum
Full Day Combined Program w/ Lunch Break $60 per person / $500 Minimum